Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb

The decision President Harry Truman made to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshama and Nagasaki sparks a heated debate between people of every position. Many critics say that what Truman did to Japan was unecessary (as the Japanese were in soon to surrender), and they say that the only reason Truman dropped the A-bomb on Japan was only to intimidate the Soviet Union in the beginning stages of the Cold War. While those explanations may have some validity behind them, I think Truman did the right thing by dropping the bombs in Japan. The purpose of war is to win it no matter what, and the quicker that you knock off the oppostition, the better the situation is for you. Truman was right to bring the American troops home quicker, and preventing any more casualties than necessary. If there was an underlying message to Russia in the dropping of the bombs, Truman was right in doing that too. Showing Russia that America is powerful, and has the audacity to put forth that power, was just good military strategy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your positions on the validity of Truman's decisions at the time. I do however think the long term consequences of his choices may have outweighed the benefits of dropping the A-bombs.
